One of the best ways to ensure efficient trucking operations is to invest in transportation management software. By combining all your operations into one centralized platform, trucking companies can more easily track their business operations, streamline internal processes and simplify daily tasks.
For many trucking companies, transportation management software is an essential tool that drives strategic decision-making, minimizes human error and optimizes operations. Without it, fleets risk missing the mark on providing the best possible customer experience while also remaining financially viable.
Below, we’ll go over some of the primary areas in which fully configurable trucking software can improve operational efficiency.
Improving Financial Efficiency
Because the operational costs of trucking are higher than ever, it’s important for fleets to ensure they manage their finances as efficiently as possible. By implementing transportation management software, companies can better track their financial performance, look for opportunities for cost savings and save time.
One example of how software helps fleets save money is through fuel management. High diesel fuel prices are one of the primary reasons fleets have trouble remaining profitable. However, trucking software such as ProTransport allows fleets to better monitor and control their fuel consumption habits by tracking idling time, optimizing driver routes and more.
Additionally, the industry-specific features offered by transportation management software make it a preferred option over commonly used accounting software. These features are particularly helpful when it comes to trucking-specific accounting tasks, such as calculating and filing IFTA every quarter. Not to mention the relative ease it provides for creating and managing invoices, preparing and generating statements, uploading documents and more.
Compared to the alternative, deciding to implement trucking-specific software can be also much more simple process for fleet managers and owner-operators. There’s less of a learning curve because the software is designed for trucking companies with their specific needs in mind. Users won’t have to spend time trying to figure out what different metrics mean or how to track expenses. You’ll be able to get accurate data related to your company’s bottom line and productivity, allowing you to make informed decisions at a faster rate.
Fleet Optimization with Trucking Software
Trucking companies need to maintain organization with every aspect of their fleet. However, it can be a challenge to keep up with all the different aspects that go into fleet management and dispatch, such as load planning, fleet availability, route optimization and delivery. This is especially true for larger fleets, who may have to keep track of dozens of different trucks at a time.
Trucking software is an immensely helpful tool in this area. For one, it allows managers to improve visibility and communication both within their company and at a customer level. You’ll have the ability to see detailed load information and GPS tracking data for each truck, as well as the capability to send and receive messages from each driver.
Not only does this software help communicate issues and eliminate confusion, but its real-time vehicle and driver data capabilities help ensure that both are operating as efficiently as possible. You won’t have to worry whether your drivers are taking the shortest possible route, or if engine problems are impacting your fuel efficiency. You’ll have the information readily available to help you make informed decisions that will, ultimately, reduce lead times and save money in the long term.
Safety & Maintenance Benefits of Trucking Software
Although maintenance and repair costs slowed near the end of 2022, they were still a primary factor in operating costs reaching record highs last year. All trucks will inevitably need repairs, but many companies lose money by waiting to make them until it’s absolutely necessary.
Transportation management software can help users track any maintenance and inspection requirements, while also alerting them of any upcoming appointments. These preventative maintenance alerts will help ensure that drivers and managers can spot and fix any issues before they become costly repairs down the road.
Speaking of costly, many carriers find themselves paying every year exorbitant fines due to non-compliance. In fact, carriers across the industry pay an average of $36 billion yearly in penalties for failing to remain compliant! Trucking software helps solve this problem by sending updates about upcoming inspections, medical exams, license updates and more.
Preventative maintenance and compliance are two areas that can fall by the wayside in lieu of more pressing day-to-day challenges. However, transportation management software helps carriers ensure they have everything they need to prolong the life of their vehicle while maintaining compliance to all USDOT and FMCSA standards.
The ProTransport Difference
When it comes to transportation management software, ProTransport is an industry leader with the ability to improve efficiency in all operational functions.
Backed by a family of brands in transportation services, finance and technology, we offer 35 years of industry experience and have proudly helped thousands of fleets centralize their information in an easily accessible way. From booking and transporting loads to paying drivers and contractors, ProTransport can ensure your trucking company has all the necessary information to make educated business decisions.